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Genetic Hackle Chickens

protbijacsus1971 2020. 11. 5. 12:15

  1. Genetic Hackle Chickens Buy
  2. Hackle Chickens For Sale
  3. Hackle Chicken Hatchery
  4. Genetic Hackle Chicken Eggs For Sale

X-treme chicken

When any red pigment appears in the neck hackle of a male from a line of Blacks, all it means is that one of the genes to make the bird ‘all-Black’ is missing. You often hear: “Yes, but it doesn’t affect the offspring – they all come self-Black with no sign of red hackle.”.

Genetic Hackle Chickens Buy

Genetic Hackle Chickens

X-treme Feathers!

  • I raise genetic hackle chickens. You won't find any stock from hatcheries that you will get more than 5 or 6 bucks from the capes and saddles. The colors will be good but the quality and the size of the hackle for tying will be basically non-exsistant. Unless of course you are only tying very large bass and saltwater flies.
  • Hiting Farms was founded in 1989 by Dr. Tom Whiting with the goal of producing the highest quality, value and selection of feathers for the fly tiers of the world. It was with this goal in mind that Dr. Tom’s work began by acquiring the finest breeding stock in the world, Hoffman hackle, and soon thereafter, Hebert/Miner™ hackle.

Hackle Chickens For Sale

Pictures provided by:

CR Bird Farm

Producing Quality Genetic Hackle to meet all of your fly tying needs!


Genetic Hackle chickens are some of the most exotic chickens on the planet! These birds have been bred for many years to produce feathers for use in tying fishing flies. Their feathers are up to five times longer and thinner than feathers on domesticated birds. There are less than 20 breeders of genetic hackle birds in the United States, therefore they are very rare.

Genetic hackle birds have been selectively bred for about three-quarters of a century for their feather quality and are a testament to the flexible nature of the chicken when it comes to extreme genetic manipulation.

If you are a breeder with your heart set on these birds and can't get them off your mind, you might need to seek therapy as the breeders and keepers of these birds never sell their stock for breeding. The good news is if you need some good feathers for tying some great fishing flies they are readily available.

If you are interested in purchasing some feathers for fly tying, don't purchase the first cape or saddle that you see at your local sports shop. Look around, there are several small breeders that sell genetic hackle direct to you, the customer, that have exceptional quality and outstanding customer service! You won't be disappointed!

A little bit of history.

Feathers have been used on fishing lures to imitate insects and other fish foods for hundreds of years. In the early 1900's a few dedicated fly fishermen, who just so happened to like chickens, dedicated time and energy to developing a chicken that would produce feathers that would tie a better fishing fly. Better feathers, for those of you who don't tie flies, mean less web to the feather, thinner width, flexible stem, and longer length.

Two of the best know genetic hackle breeders were Harry Darbee and Andy Miner. Almost all of the current bloodlines used for producing genetic hackle today can be traced back through their breeding programs. As the story goes these men were very generous with their stock, sending out eggs to friends that were dedicated to breeding better birds. As the sport of fly fishing grew and demand for quality feather was on the rise a few of the breeders rose to the challenge and produced better and better hackle. This leads us to the breeders of today, there are only a few and most have purchased stock from breeders as they have retired for a hefty price. These breeders continue in the tradition of bringing the fly fishing fraternity quality hackle with which they can tie to a hook, get out on the river, and fool a wise old trout.

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Ad id: 508189998586876
Views: 53

Welcome to your opportunity to own a piece of the fly fishing industry. With only a few true pedigreed lines of Hackle in the United States we are offering the opportunity to run either a backyard business that can bring in some great income or scale up to compete with the big boy. Clearwater Hackle is based in Southeastern Idaho and is up for sale.
Our flock of genetic hackle chickens comes from the famous Conranch Hackle Company. Master fly tier and breeder Denny Conrad oversaw the breeding program of these birds for decades, always keeping the end users - the fly tier and fisherman - in mind. We raise a full range of natural colors. The hallmark is our 5-colored Cree which is unique to Clearwater Hackle.
What is resulted is a feather unsurpassed in quality.
- Believed to be the oldest pure strain of Darbee genetic hackle flock in the world
- Meticulous records
- Rigorous genetic breeding program
- Raised in environmentally controlled facilities
- Only the finest feed used
- Developed and refined by fly tiers
Whether you are starting to tie or are a seasoned pro, whether you tie for fun or for your profession, there is an understood truth among us anglers and fly tiers that there is a great reward and satisfaction in landing a fish from a fly you tied yourself. Our feathers have been used to tie countless flies, which in turn have caught numerous fish. It is our hope that now our hackle will help you catch many more fish on your adventure.
- Incubators
- Genetic records
- High end Chicken Pens
- Self-Watering systems
- Brooder Boxes
Hackle For Sale:
- Over 200 Grandparenting birds for breeding
- Over 150 birds soon to be processed
- Over 250 pelts already processed
PLEASE text: to set up a call
- We can help in moving the birds to your location nation wide.


Hackle Chicken Hatchery

Genetic Hackle Chicken Eggs For Sale

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